95th year since the foundation of the Society

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Founded in 1929., the Society was active until 1941. when stopped working due to war events. After the war, due to character of the socio-political system, the changes in the social structure of Vrebac and the living conditions in the village, the Society was not renewed. In the post-war, the historical memory of the Society was lost, so that the only trace of the Society's existence remained in the Land Registers, in which the Society was listed as the owner of the Community Center in Vrebac.

That fact prompted a group of enthusiasts to investigate the background of the inscription. So at the beginning of 2017. archival documentation found in Archive of Yougoslavia in Belgrade related to the Society: work reports, financial documentaion – minutes from sessions and especially the RULES OF THE SERBIAN NATIONAL READING CENTER IN VREBAC dated June 8, 1933..

This created the conditions for the renewal of the Society's work snd the Society was renewed on March 18, 2017. in Vrebac, Vrebac 101.

The 95th anniversary of the founding of the Society is a significant and valuable anniversary, the significance of which we may not be able to fully appreciate today. From humbler beginnings, misunderstanding and even avoidance and inactivity, the Society today has more than 90 members with a tendency to grow, accepted and the village and known in wider areas and on a larger scale, often welcomed with suprise, giving rise to optimism that the village live on.

Spreading the culture of tolerance and understanding in interpersonal and inter-ethnic realtions, the Society welcomes all those who share these values, regardless of nacional and religious affiliation, into the membership.

It is up to us to continue to develop the Sociaty to enrich it with members and activities and to pass it on to future generations with pride.


The new life of the society started in 2017. it should go on and on…….


Ažurirano Ponedjeljak, 15 Travanj 2024 06:03

An invitation for donations for the renewal of the Community center in Vrebac

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The Decision of the Steering Committee adopted on September 14th, 2017 has initiated the


The Decision has adopted the initial estimate of the investment to be 597.500 Kuna (79.700 Euros, 1 Euro = 7.50 Kunas), the sources of funding the the timeline for its realization, and regular public reporting on the Program's fulfillment has also been ensured.

The source of funding include: budgetary funds of the Republic of Croatia and equally foreign funds and institutions as well as domestic and foreign donations from companies and individuals, and a regular revision of the budget is hereby to be executed in order to keep track of the funds.

In the meantime, an application has been made to the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia, on the basis of an advertised contest, and applications to local and regional governments are also underway, so that the funds of those governments can be planned for the year 2018, and the monitoring of other available options in the Republic of Croatia has also been ensured.

We are especially monitoring possible funding for cultural needs from the Republic of Serbia, as well as donations from other countries through their embassies in the Republic of Croatia, is order to acquire the necessary documentation in time, and apply for Program funding.

We hereby invite all donors, individuals and companies in the Republic of Croatia and abroad to participate in the funding, by donating to the Society. The account in question has been opened at the Privredna banka Zagreb:

IBAN – HR37 2340 0091 1108 7819 2 - for the funding of the Community center in Vrebac.

Donations will be gathered until June 1st 2018, and the rebuilding and furnishing of the community center is to be completed by December 31st 2018.

The Program's realization is under the jurisdiction of the Steering Committee of the Society, and more information about the Program for the renewal of the community center in Vrebac can be seen in the attachment (avaliable only in the serbs / croatian language).

Traslated by Vladimir Ivančević

Ažurirano Nedjelja, 08 Listopad 2017 11:17

The "Program for renewing the community centre" in Vrebac has been started

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The Steering committee of the "Serbian national reading room in Vrebac" Society has adopted the Decision to start the


The program encompasses the technical rebuilding, furnishing and landscaping of the entire complex.

The 595.500 kunas (about 79.700 euros) are to be provided for the reconstruction, according to the Program. The Decision of the Steering Committee foresees that the funds are to be provided from the budget of the Republic of Croatia, from foreign institutions and from the donations of both companies and individuals.

We invite all those interested to contribute to the realization of this program with their engagement and donations, which will insure the quality work of the Society, the renewal and development of the social life of those living in Vrebac, and all those who, through the Society or otherwise, wish to be included in our social life, and help build the foundations of the renewal of Vrebac itself.

Information about the Program for the renewal of the community centre, the process of acquiring resources and its realization will be published on the website.


Translated by: Vladimir Ivančević

Ažurirano Ponedjeljak, 18 Rujan 2017 21:08

Become a member of the "Serbian National Reading Room and Library in Vrebac" Society

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We invite all those interested to join the "Serbian National Reading Room and Library in Vrebac" Society.

You can become a member by filling out and sending us a copy of the MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION (please find it in the attachment), which will then be verified by the Steering Committee, which will also inform you about its decision. According to Article 2, you will also need to pay a membership fee (please find it in the attachment). By sending in your application, you agree to accept the Statute of the Society, as well as its goals and program.

The membership fee is to be payed to the account of the Society, at Privredna banka Zagreb - Croatia: IBAN: HR37 2340 0091 1108 7819 2

Note: You cannot fill out the application online. You need to print it out, fill it in, scan it or take a picture of it, and send it to the Society at Ova e-mail adresa je zaštićena od spam robota, nije vidljiva ako ste isključili JavaScript

Download this file (Membership application.pdf)Membership application.pdf[ ]Administrator335 Kb
Download this file (Membership Fee-Article 2.pdf)Membership Fee-Article 2.pdf[ ]Administrator432 Kb
Ažurirano Srijeda, 23 Kolovoz 2017 14:34

The Renewed "Serbian National Reading Room and Library in Vrebac" Society

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The year 1929 is remembered as one of the coldest, as well as for the founding of the "Serbian National Reading Room and Library in Vrebac" society. There was a need for the cultural and spiritual betterment of our citizens, so the founders were (among of them): Marko Počuča and Smilja Narančić, teachers, Đuro Bogdanović and Mile Ugarak, plowmen, Rev. Đuro Vitas, Todor Bogdanović, road maintainer and Vlajko Narančić, trader. They wrote the rules of the Society, and it was registered at the proper authorities.

Clause number 2 defines the assignment of the Society as "to promote the culture of the village by reading educational and funny newspapers and books, to educated all members in the national way, to organize promotions, parties, events and games, and to organize courses about health and education and everything that can improve the life of the village.

Planned program activities were executed, an interesting one among them was the purchase of a radio with batteries, which was listened to by many citizens of Vrebac, especially with the bad news from WWII. They realized that they could be engulfed with the war. Unfortunately, this is precisely what happened. The Ustasha came to the village on May 6th 1941 and took the Library as their seat. Terror began and the Society ceased with its activities. After WWII, the rebuilding of the society was impossible, as many citizens had moved out of Vrebac, and the rest of them were in exile after 1995.

A group of citizens of Vrebac decided to rebuild the Society in the honour of our ancestors and tradition. The new assembly of the Society was held on March 18th 2017 in Vrebac. The founders are: Jovan Bobić, Bogdan Mandarić, Jovo Ćurčić, Mirjana Ćurin nee Grubić, Dragica Plećaš nee Mandarić, Tanasije Mandarić, Željko Narančić,  Rev. Dragan Mihajlović and Nikola Cetina.

Jovan Bobić, Tanasije Mandarić, Nikola Cetina, Mirjana Ćurin and Željko Narančić are selected for the steering committee.

Dragica Plećaš, Bogdan Mandarić and Jovo Ćurčić are selected for the supervising committee.

A decision about the initialing proceedings of registering the Society was made. After procedure, the Office of Public Administration of the Lika-Senj county made a decision of registering the "Serbian National Reading Room and Library in Vrebac" society at Vrebac 30.

After this document was adopted, the Society can continue with its activities after 76 years. There are many plans for future work and activities, so we will need your help and  the help of all the citizens of Vrebac all over the world. We can save our Vrebac from decay and oblivion.

Nikola Cetina

(Translated by Vladimir Ivančević)

Ažurirano Ponedjeljak, 17 Srpanj 2017 09:18
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